Stepping into a merger or acquisition takes time and consideration, and the right cultural fit and synergies
Travel Leaders Network President Roger E. Block
Alexandria, VA (October 1, 2020) — Travel agency owners who are considering a merger, acquisition or complete sale of their agency as an option for the survival of their business, can now turn to, powered by Travel Leaders Network. The redesigned website is a robust resource that provides information that helps those who are considering aligning with another agency or entering a strategic partnership. It gives them a confidential way to get introduced to Travel Leaders agency owners interested in meeting their exact business realignment needs.
Determining how, if or when to expand or downsize a business can be a difficult decision for owners. Agencies that connect through the updated website can consider alternative strategic partnerships that will allow the more financially impacted owners to stay in the business, but on terms of their choice. For instance, an owner may want to become an independent contractor of another office or they may negotiate an arrangement for transitioning their customer list.
“Travel Leaders Network understands that due to the persistence of COVID-19 and state and country travel restrictions, many agencies are seeking alternative ways to survive or weather this storm,” said Roger E. Block, President of Travel Leaders Network. “Alignment with another agency, whether through a merger, acquisition or strategic partnership, can be the lifeline they need. We have relaunched for those seeking the best-fit opportunity with a Travel Leaders Network owner.”
Travel Leaders Network is first spreading the word to the more financially fit agencies within its network to build buyer profiles for this matchmaking service so that they can be found on the site by other member agencies, or those outside of the network looking to sell. In messaging to Travel Leaders members earlier in September, Block announced: “If you’re looking to acquire agencies and invite conversations with other agency owners, you can create a site listing by enrolling via the internal Agent Universe Agency Matchmaker page. If you’re looking to sell your agency or investigate other creative options, be sure to visit the site in the coming weeks as it becomes populated with more and more buyer profiles.”
Interested participants are highly recommended to first visit the program details page and also to listen to the recent Travel Leaders Network exclusive webinar by Dr. Bob Joslyn, Mergers & Acquisitions: Hookups in an environment of Covid-19 Social Distancing posted on the Agency Matchmaker site’s home page. Regardless of the type of sale, a new combined entity will often be more profitable than two separate entities because the joined companies are pooling their assets. The result is that they will likely have a stronger company, said Joselyn.
“Stepping into a merger or acquisition takes time and consideration, and the right cultural fit and synergies,” said Block. “Bob’s webinar will help participants set realistic expectations and the additional resources at AgentMatchmaker gives potential sale an introduction to those considerations.”
Because every agency is different, and every agency owner has a unique mix of priorities, the site has a “Find the Ideal Match” option. Site visitors can use checkboxes to search by what criteria matters most to them and their business, including criteria such as corporate or leisure, regional location, or number of advisors. The search will generate a direct contact list of like-minded Travel Leaders Network owners, all ready to begin the conversation today.
“Retiring or closing your business may be the right decision at this time, but agency owners should explore their options before walking away from valuable business assets, such as client lists,” Block said. “We look forward to the recovery of our industry and when travel returns, people are going to need the services of experienced advisors.”
For more information about potentially selling or merging your business, please visit To learn more in general about joining Travel Leaders, please visit
About Travel Leaders Network
Travel Leaders Network ( assists millions of leisure and business travelers annually, and is one of the largest sellers of luxury travel, cruises and tours in the travel agency industry, with approximately 5,700 travel agency locations across the United States and Canada.